Archive for August, 2020

Our apologies to everyone

People often say “No news is good news” but at the moment it is probably nearer the truth to say that most of the news is bad news. It is particularly true of choirs and of our Choral Society because the very act of singing – which is what we do – is considered very inappropriate to preventing the spread of Covid-19. So faced with all of the recent studies and the latest government advice,  at the moment it is simply not practical or safe to restart our usual rehearsal schedule preparing for our next concert, or even arrange an annual general meeting.

We can only offer our apologies to our members for not being able to start our rehearsals in September and to our loyal patrons for the concerts that have had to be cancelled and continue to be in jeopardy. As soon as the guidance becomes more certain and we can reconvene under safe and workable conditions then we will update everyone with the information.

Annual General Meeting 2020

Our Annual General Meeting due to take place on Wednesday 2nd September 2020 is CANCELLED.

This is due to the current public health situation, which is also preventing us from starting our usual rehearsals until further guidance is available and we can ensure the safety of members taking part. You will find links to many of the usual reports that would be published before the AGM below as pdf files.

BCS AGM held 4.9.2019

Chairman’s report

Financial Statement

Copy of 2019-20 Concert costs

Treasurer’s report Aug 20


Publicity Officer Report