Papers for AGM on 7th September 2016

Please find below a link to the minutes of the last AGM held in September 2015 as either a WORD document or a PDF file.

BCS AGM held 2.9.2015

BCS AGM held 2.9.2015 PDF

The Agenda for this year’s AGM, to be held on Wednesday 7th September 2016 at 7.30 p.m. in Sunderland Minster, is also included at the start of the minutes. As you will see from the Agenda, it has been agreed that verbal reports will only be heard at the meeting from the Chairman, the Treasurer and the Musical Director. Links to the other usual reports will be published here as soon as they are available so that members can check their contents and raise questions at the AGM if applicable.

librarian’s report 2016

Vice Chairman’s report 2016


BYS report 2015-16

It is also intended that the distribution of scores for the new works will take place on that evening and possibly a short rehearsal session as well.