We asked … and you kindly answered!
At our last concert we provided a short questionnaire to everyone in the audience. The aim was to research our audience and the publicity we use for concerts. We are very grateful that many of you were happy to take the time to complete this and thought that you should be made aware of what it told us.
Only three questions were asked : Which post-code have you come from (first part only to protect your confidentiality), How did you hear about the concert, and What age group are you in?
As we would expect the majority of our audience were from Sunderland – or at least five of its post-codes – but others came from Washington, North and South Shields and the prize for the furthest travelled goes to those who came from Stowmarket! Of these most (77%) had heard of the concert from a Society member, with a small number hearing from a friend, our web-site, a previous programme, or from the new banner which was outside the venue. Especial thanks for telling us your age group – 53% of the returns admitted to being over 65 and 17% were under 35.
Once again the Society would like to thank all of those who left a reply for us to consider. We are much obliged.