A group of young people, aged from year 5 upwards, who enjoy singing, meeting to develop their musical skills and interest. The group gives concerts in its own right and participates in the main Choral Society performances. These individual concerts take place in a variety of venues and on a variety of occasions throughout the year.

To provide an opportunity for young people to meet to sing choral music and to perform at suitable opportunities.

To encourage their transition to become full members of Bishopwearmouth Choral Society.

Open to all young singers, from Year 5 upwards , who are willing to participate fully in the activities of BYS.

No audition will be required.
Schools within Sunderland will be encouraged to share information about BYS.

Membership Fee £2.00 per session.

Bishopwearmouth Young Singers is the youth section of Bishopwearmouth Choral Society. BYS members can become full members of the Society should they wish in due course.

The Singers are under the musical direction of Eileen Bown , who will be responsible for the choice of repertoire.


These take place at Ewesley Road Methodist Church, which is on Chester Road (A183) close to the traffice lights at its junction with Kayll Road (B1405) and just west of Sunderland Royal Hospital.

For further information contact the Musical Director, Eileen Bown, via the Contact Page or by coming to a rehearsal on Friday evenings between 6.00 and 7.00 p.m. These arrangements may need to be changed periodically to fit with other activities but these will be notified to BYS members at the time.

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